Anka Eichhoff is 'n boervrou van die ooste van Namibië. Hulle boer op plaas Vergenoeg (2118AB) noord van Steinhausen.
Sy beoefen plantkunde as 'n stokperdjie en is besig met 'n plant-bewusmakingsveldtog onder haar medeboere.
Haar plantkundige inligting is verpak in 'stories' oor die voorkoms, noemenswaardighede inligting, gebruike en eienaardighede van die plante.
Sy skryf ook soortgelyke 'stories' oor interessante goggas (ongewerweldes).
Anka Eichhoff is farmer's wife from the east of Namibia. They farm on Farm Vergenoeg (2118AB) north of Steinhausen.
She is a keen hobbyist-botanist. She has recently started a plant awareness campaign among the farmers in her neighbourhood.
Her botanical information is packaged in Plantstories (Eng: plant stories) on the appearance, interesting facts and uses of the plants.
She has recently also started similar Goggastories (Eng: bug stories) about interesting invertebrates.
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Last updated on 14 Jan 2025